Purp Mindset

Colts Fan. 5-0.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mentor Log

Nov 12th.
On this day brad came to the school and we talked about football and discussed ideas on how to do the product and which ways would be more efficient. Worked on a Powerpoint presentation and made notes to make edits to the product.

We also talked about ideas of how to present. Some of the various ideas where using a football as an attention getter. The idea of tossing it to a judge, to retrieve the attention of the judges. We also talked about other ideas to use in the product, and timing.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Victorian Period

During the Victorian Period there was an indian mutiny. Many Indian sepoys and civilians revolted against the british. After about a year however the mutiny was extinguished. After the mutiny was stopped indian became under direct british rule. This period was the British Raj.

Also There was The Great Exhibition of 1851. This was the world's first fair , it showcased many innovative things. Also photography emerged during this time and was showcased during this fair. Photoghrophy lead to a new form of art which influenced other forms of art as well.

I think that people in this time lived in a era of new technology. I believe that were at the era where they had the effects of the industrial revolution and much new technology was being presented. They had as many new inventions and saw new ideas as we do today, even if they were less simple. I think the period of this time period lived a better life than those of previous times. However there was still much persecution.

I think the biggest difference between the victorian and romantic period was that the romantic poets were more down to earth. I think they were coming down from the happy go lucky ways of romantic poetry. They seemed to talk more about real life and things that actually happened. They showed traces of the romantic period but there is a significant difference in the writing. I think there writing reflects the changes in their culture at this time.

I think victorian poetry wanted to express the way of life living during the victorian period. The way life really was during the victorian period. The name comes from Queen Victoria who ruled during this time. I Think poets wanted to express realism, and change. There was a less influence by intuition, and more towards common sense and every day live. They were really concerned that the romantics were wild and crazy and they were dedicated to bringing the world back down to realism.

The first poem i read was by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. It was called "The Sailor Boy". I actually kind of liked this poem, which is something i cannot say for any other poem i have read this year. The poem is about a boy who people tell him that he should not leave, and that it is dangerous. They say he is foolish for considering it and death comes to those who dont listen.
‘Fool,’ he answer’d, ‘death is sure
To those that stay and those that roam,
But I will nevermore endure
To sit with empty hands at home.
He replies by saying that everyone is going to die regardless. Therefore he does not fear death, but therefore embraces adventure. He says that he will not sit at home doing nothing anymore. I think this is a good example of the victorian period because it shows change. THere was much change in england during this time period as englad focused on expanding it's empire.

The next victorian poem i read was "Among the Rocks" by Robert Browning. The rock's referred to in this poem are rocks on a seashore. During the Victorian period there were many ship voyages. Sea travel was the only way to get across the oceans. I believe by using this seashore as his setting represents the change during this period and how the victorians used many ships. The seashore was frequently visited by travelers and would be a place that can be related to.
"Listening the while, where on the heap of stones
The white breast of the sea-lark twitters sweet. "

The next victorian poem i read was "Future, The" by Matthew Arnold. This poem similiar to the last speaks of the oceans and water much. As mentioned earlier this demonstrates the victorian era to the point in which there was much sea activity. England was at war a lot during this period and they were shipping soldiers. They needed the ocean to do this. Almost all activity conducted that was not in england involved riding on a ship.
A wanderer is man from his birth.
He was born in a ship
On the breast of the river of Time;
Brimming with wonder and joy
He spreads out his arms to the light,
Rivets his gaze on the banks of the stream.
The very first stanza of the poem talks of water and joy of a wanderer. The poem is about wanderers who move from place to place, sometime meeting women. However they are never satisfied in one place. From birth they were destined to be a wonderer. It makes many references to the sea, sometimes a river. I think it uses a river to symbolize the life of a wanderer as one that continues to flow.

The last poem i read for the victorian poet was "the man he killed". We can add this one to the list of randomly picked great poems. It talks of a man who killed another man, not because he wanted to, but because he was out of a job and he needed money. He joined the army and the other fellow was of another army. He shot at him as the other guy shot back. He thinks that if he would have met this guy at any other time he may not have even had a problem with him, but war isnt a place for friends.
"I shot him dead because --
Because he was my foe,
Just so: my foe of course he was;
That's clear enough; although
I think this is another great example of the victorian period because england was constantly at war duing this period of time. I believe they were in wartime durig every year of the victorian period. This brings ensigbht to the fact that not all soldiers are fighting for the same cause, and some soldiers did this because they had no other way of supporting their family.
""He thought he'd 'list, perhaps,
Off-hand like -- just as I --
Was out of work -- had sold his traps --
No other reason why.

"Yes; quaint and curious war is!
You shoot a fellow down
You'd treat if met where any bar is,
Or help to half-a-crown." "

Monday, November 19, 2007

Romantic Poetry

1. List and describe at least two historical events that occurred during or right before the Romantic Period (2 paragraphs).

Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution occured in the late 18th, and early 19th century. During the Industrial Revolution there were many technological advances. An example is textile manufactering. They created Devices that did much more efficient work than the previous manual labor. Another great introduction of this time period was the steam engine. This engine is the forerunner of gasoline engines. Steam engines were put to use in boats to create more efficient transportation.

French Revolution
The French Revolution also took place in the late 1800s. This was a period of time in which France decided to move away from anarchy, and more toward a republic govermnment with right of the people. The infamous Reign of Terror took place during this time and there were many violent uprisings and exuctions. The guillitine, a device that dropped a blade and deheaded its victim, was frequently used in these public executions. Between 18-40,000 people were executed during this time.

2. After reading about these events, what do you think life was like for normal people during this time? (1 paragraph)

I think life in this time was very hectic. You would have to supress your individual belief's if it disagreed with the personell in charge. Justice was in the eyes or morality, even though that might still be true today, it was more evident then. I think life would fall much under the dog-eat-dog mentaliity. You would either have to live a very recessive life, in fear and bending to others. The only other choice was to live to live, and not live just to stay alive. By this i mean be disregarding of public opinion and stand up for what you belive. However, you would be living that way knowing you were a lot closer to death.

3. What did the Romantic poets want to express in their work? You should be able to list three or four qualities of Romantic poetry. These will be the things you will need to find examples of later. The purple anthology can help you here. (3-4 sentences for each quality you find)

I researched that poets of the Romantic Period wanted to stress intuiton over reason. This is believe what you think is right, not what you come to a conclusion about. You might even say that stressed following your "heart" over your mind. Sounds Romantic enough to me. "the filtering of natural emotion through the human mind in order to create art, coupled with an awareness of the duality created by such a process." This is the main theme of romantic period, as you can see poets appeared to be very intelligent, and seeking unity with nature.

The poem i chose to read by William Black was "ON ANOTHER'S SORROW". It was a poem that spoke of sorrow and grief. It questioned that if you see someone in sorrow, does this mean you can see them withought feeling sorrow for them as well. It asked was it possible for a mother to see an infant weeping, and not weep beside it. He thinks that it's not possible, and that the caringness of the world forces a mother to weep alongside an infant until she cures it's grief, and brings it joy.

I think this is a good example of a poem from the romantic period, because you can see how the poet speaks and believes people should act. In a way that displays much natural emotion, intuition, and unity with nature, all very important qualities. It is a human's natural intuition to help one who is in harm. Regardless of whats going on in their mind, they should still follow their heart and intuition. Sounds romantic enough to me.
"Can a mother sit and hear
An infant groan, an infant fear?
No, no! never can it be!
Never, never can it be! "

The Poem i chose to read by william wordsworth was "The Solitary Reaper", it is a poem of a woman who sings joyously while she works, bringing joy to all traveler's passing by. I think this show's that even though she is working hard, she is trying to bring joy and happiness to herself and the world. I believe this was important during the romantic period.
"Whate'er the theme, the Maiden sang
As if her song could have no ending;
I saw her singing at her work,
And o'er the sickle bending;--
I listen'd, motionless and still;
And, as I mounted up the hill,
The music in my heart I bore,
Long after it was heard no more."
She was also working in a field, which i believed to show that she was in touch and at peace with nature. She sung euphoriously and seemed consent with being in nature.

The poem i chose to read by George Gordon Byron, also known as Lord Byron, was "I saw thee weep." It was a relatively short poem, with only four stanzas. However, it held many of the important ideas of the romantic period. It talked about someone who wept, however even when they cried it looked beautiful. He says that when they smile they have the power to change the moodiest heart into a joyous one.

"I saw thee weep---the big bright tear
Came o'er that eye of blue;
And then methought it did appear
A violet dropping dew"

I think this has a lot to do with intuition and being intouch with nature as well, however i think this one focuses more on following your heart. These poets wrote a lot of emotional poetry, and from a lot of it i get an image of a hippy family running through a field. All of this poems seem to share that happy, nature filled imagery. Quite frankly im getting sick of it.

The poem i chose to read by Percy Bysshe Shelley was "On a Dead Violet". I think that this poem speaks of a lost love of Percy, however it could just be figuratively speaking. However it turns away from that Hippy imagery, but shares the same beliefs of the Romantic Period. This poem speaks of a violet that he wishes would come back to life, it taunts his heart by laying upon it. His eyes trick him that what he misses is still there, and that it will come back, but it wont.
A shrivelled, lifeless, vacant form,
It lies on my abandoned breast;
And mocks the heart, which yet is warm,
With cold and silent rest.
I weep--my tears revive it not;
I sigh--it breathes no more on me:
Its mute and uncomplaining lot
Is such as mine should be.
I believe that is a good example of romantic period because the poem talks soley about love. If not so simplified you would say he was atleast missing the flower, or what the flower symbolized. Possibly it even states he misses whom the flower reminds him of. Whichever of the causes, it leads back to him being led by his heart, which isnt so good in this situation. Regardless, he is following his heart. Romantic...? yup.

The final romantic poem i chose to read was "The Human Seasons" by John Keats. Withought even reading this poem you notice that it refers to the Seaons of the year. A direct relation to nature, a key theme in Romanticism. In this poem he talks of how man acts differently in each of the seaons, enjoying each differently. I think that this quality of enjoying nature is very important in linking this poem to romanticism.
"He has his lusty Spring, when fancy clear
Takes in all beauty with an easy span:
He has his Summer, when luxuriously
Spring's honied cud of youthful thought he loves
To ruminate, and by such dreaming high
Is nearest unto heaven: quiet coves."

It speaks much from a view in which people live in a nature filled world. Which is true, we live in nature today, however. They take the time to sit back and admire nature, to enjoy it and play in it. Where I and many people of today just live, for the sake of living and doing new things. I think there is a much less important emphasis on nature, and more emphasis on living life to the fullest regardless of whats going on. Maybe this because nature was more consistent then, as where now its hot on a november day?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Restoration

The Glorious revolution began in 1688 when King James was overthrown. This is why it is sometimes referred to as the Revolution of 1688. Another name for this time period was the Bloodless Revolution. King James was the last absolute ruler of england. Also in 1689 parliament created the bill of rights, which stated the rights of the people. It stated that the monarch could not act withought consent of the population; as represented by congress. King James II, a catholic, was also removed from the throne. This sealed the fate of roman catholics, and prevented any other from coming to power in england. This was disastrous for catholics and they became the subject of social persecution. They were denied the right to vote for over 100 years.

I think this was important because it introduced the bill of rights to england. This influenced many other constitutional documents. It was very significant in the fact that no roman catholics could hold the throne. This highly influenced the religious make-up of the country. It also influenced religious views, persecution, and prejudice. Not only could the monarch not be roman catholic, he could not marry a roman catholic. You could see how this would lead to roman catholics becoiming public enemy number one.

Satire is when you use wit and comedy to ridicule. Sarcasm is a normal type of satire.

Little Bush is satire, because they pretned to be bush and overagerate his stupidity.
Comedy satire is when people imitate another person and say there so cool or something like that in a sarcastic tone.

I think this work is very intersting. Upon reading it i did not take it as satire, or sarcasm, but i took it as cannibalism. However after being told it's satire, i do see how it could be considered funny and insulting to the population of england. He talks about eating children, and how it would bring culture to england. He says it is the solution to their poverty. I even thought it was interestingly disturbing. Good thing he was just kidding.

Really i think he just used this as a way to talk about the poverty of england. He also talks about the stupidity of england in fact that they would scoop to the level of canibalism, and think it was a good idea. I dont think many people would have bought into this, except for the extremely poor. Even then, giving up a child would be a major sacrifice. 9 months work of work for 10 schilling?

Pepy was rich and bought his wife many luxurious gifts. "and in my passion kicked the little fine basket which i bought her in Holland and broke it, which troubled me after i had done it"

I think that materialism, greed and poverty were strung through england in this time. The thing that i think was the most important to the people of this time was money. There were beggars on the street who had nothing but needed money for food. "These mothers, instead of being able to work for their honest livelihood, are forced to employ all their time in strolling to beg sustenance for their helpless infants". Wealthy people also shared the desire to aquire money. They wanted money to buy luxurious gifts, for their family and themselves.

This materialsm led to a great separation of the wealth classes which is evident in all texts. During this time the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Along with this the rich continued to ridicule the poor. The text entitled "A Modest Proposal" is just that, a proposal in which england could receive more money. Money made the world go around then, as it does now.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Act V Review

Act V is the final act of Macbeth, the shortest of shakespeares work. In Act V we see Macduff, Lennox, and others meet up in Birnam Woods. They plot to overthrow Macbeth by force. Lady macbeth loses all her sanity, she begins to sleeep walk in which she talks and shows much regret. She talks of banquo and of killing the king while the doctor and a gentlewoman listens: "To bed, to bed! There's knocking at the gate. Come, come, come, come, give me your hand! What's done cannot be undone. To bed, to bed, to bed!".

However, Macbeth is running the show for the first time in the story. He has an arrogance about him that is given to him by the witches. He believes he is invincible, and waits for any threat. He sates this to the doctor: "Bring it after me. I will not be afraid of death and bane (destruction). Till Birnam Forest come to Dunsinane. The soldiers then plan to attack Macbeth's kingdom by holding branches to disguise their numbers upon their advance of the castle. As the main battle initiates we learn that Lady macbeth dies, later we find out she commits suicide. The first soldier into the castle is young siward, who enters as a warrior. He asks for Macbeth's name, then pronounces: "The divil himself could not pronouce a title More hateful to mine ear." (MB)" NO, nor more fearful." (YS) " Thou liest, abhorred tyrant; with my sword I'll prove the lie thou speak'st". Macbeth kills young siward easily, macduff enters thereafter.

Macbeth believes he can be killed by no man that was born by woman, and he is probably correct. However, Macduff was not born by woman, instead he was removed from the womb by a doctor, therefore he gets through the loophole set by the witches. This makes macbeth vulnerable, and also it takes away some of his confident swagger. Macduff kills the king and re-enters holding his head. " Hail, king! for so thou art behold, where stands Th' usurper's cursed head. The time is free. I see thee compassed with thy kingdom's pearl, That speak my salutation in their minds, Whose voices i desire aloud with mine: Hail, King of Scotland!"

At this point the story ends. I believe macbetth's downfall was when he stop acted upon what the witches told him. He simply believed that he could not be touched simply because the witches said it. However he did not believe that he would become king withought acting. I believe by changing what he did he sealed his fate of dying. It is possible that the witches knew that macbeth would act to become king after being told that he would be king. They could have foreseen everything, even macbeth dying upon meeting him. Which means they could interpret how macbeth would intepret and respond to what they would tell him. I believe that the wtiches, not macduff, where the ultimate killer of macbeth. This could translate to witch craft or magic in general leads to death. Dark forces which look to help, indeed will be the downfall of you. Foul is Fair, and Fair is Foul.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Mentor Log

October 29th 5:30-10:00

October 29th was a monday and mondays are notorious for their boredom. Being the first day off of the weekend there is only one thing to look forward to, Monday Night Football. I visited the Kuss's after school and we ate dinner, and talked about football while waiting for monday night football to come on. It did not start until 8 so we talked about other sports as well, however many of the topics relate to football. However mainly we just discussed what we are going to do for the product and Watched monday night football.

Probably it was Brett Favre's last game.. The game was pretty boring. travis Henry was hurt. Champ bailey got Toasted, more than once (believe it or not.)

ill add more later..

sorry for the informality.