Purp Mindset

Colts Fan. 5-0.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bewoulf and the Anglo-Saxons

Bewoulf is a story of honor , courage, and bravery. The very first sentence emphasizes this. "You have heard of the Danish Kings
in the old days and how they were great warriors." The story mostly revolves around the kingdom of Danes, and the attacks and retaliations of the kingdom. It demonstrates the high standards of bravery and courage in the Anglo-Saxon culture.
I thought the story of Bewoulf demonstrated Anglo- Saxon life well. Bewoulf and his followers would rather die courageously, then live a coward. This is demonstrated by Bewoulf never retreating even when his weapons did not work. Such as when he fought Grendel's Mother; "But the guest found that the flashing sword would not bite,could not harm her life-- But Beowulf was resolute,by no means slow in valor, still thinking of daring deeds." It was Also demonstrated when Bewoulf said this to his followers; " will not back a step away from that hoard-guardian."
Bewoulf put the safety of the kingdom over his own life. The Anglo-Saxons were loyal to their ruler first, and to themselves second. This is demonstrated when he gave up his chance of royalty to serve another descendant of the royal family. "There Hygd, Hygelac's wife, offered him treasure and the kingdom, rings and the throne, because she did not trust her son to keep them from foreign armies. But Beowulf would not for any reason be lord over his king's son,so he protected the boy, gave him good council till Heardred became a man" Anyone who was nice to an enemy of a kingdom were considered criminals.This way of thinking is not common around the world of today.
This story had many interesting parts. The main part that stuck out to me was the extraordinary grip of Bewoulf, similiar to the strength of many heroes such as Superman. However, Bewoulf did not continue to use his greatest strength, grip, throughout the story. When he did use his grip, he defeated Grendel easily, and stunned Grendel's mother. Bewoulf boasted and bragged more than the common folk tale hero, and died in the end, which is not common among heroes. A time when grendel abandoned his grip was during the end of the story, upon fighting the dragon he never used his grip.
Bewoulf believed that he was God's warrior, and that he and only he could defeat enemies."This is not your duty, nor in the power of man. No one but myself can fight this monster." Most heroes are more humble. I thought it was weird that even as Bewoulf began to die, all he requested was the treasures protected by the dragon.He stated : "Go quickly, Wiglaf, examine the hoard under the gray stone now that the dragon lies sleeping of a wound, bereft of his treasure. Be in haste so that I may see the ancient treasure, may examine the curious gems, so that I may more cheerfully give up my life and country." This show's Bewoulf as being very materialistic, however he believes he was a warrior from god. These idea's seem to be contradicting. Heroes of today such as Robin Hood would rather give treasures to the poor than keep them as rewards for his deeds.
Anglo-Saxons believed warriors should protect england from its invaders. Bewoulf symoblizes this when he comes to Hrothgar and offered his protection. After Bewoulf defeated Grendel he was highly respected by the king, and famous for his deeds. He received many treasures from the king, which he asked to be given to the King of the Geats if he died. Bewoulf was killed by the dragon, whom symbolyzed the religious figure Thumor in Anglo - Saxon culture. Warriors were very important in Anglo-Saxon culture, this is demonstrated by the warrior Bewoulf becoming the main character, and eventually king, and also by the very first line talking about Danish kings who were warriors.. Bewoulf demonstrates Anglo-Saxon belief of loyalty well throughought the story. He remained loyal to king by passing on an oppurtunity to be king. He passed the oppurtunity solely because there were more members of the royal family alive, whom he believed were more noble than himself.
Bewoulf was killed by a dragon. During the fight bewoulf used his shield and sword. He would rather have used his bare hands, however he knew death would be imminent considering the dragon could breathe fire. Bewoulf stated:"I would not use a sword against this monster if I might otherwise fight, as I did with Grendel. But how else fight fire? a breath of poison? Therefore I wear shield and mail.
Even though it might have been stupid to fight the dragon bare handed, most typical heroes would have continued to use their specialty. However Bewoulf abandoned his grip in the entire final bout. Contrary to heroes such as spiderman, who always uses his spider abilities, rather than abandoning them for other techniques, such as shooting.
When Bewoulf died he asked to see treasure, and requested a mound be built so noone would forget his brave adventures. Even though he believed all of his deeds were for the people, boasting as much as he did lead me to think that he did it more for himself. However he never stated this, he may have just had a cocky attitude with a noble cause. Morally correct hero or not, Bewoulf demonstrated the beliefs of the Anglo -Saxons well, mainly loyalty, and religion.


D a n a said...

You have a good start here, but your post lacks direct evidence. I need you to go into the poem and retreive lines each of the points you make so that you are SHOWING me what you are TELLING me about at this point.

You have the makings of a very good post here, but you need the support to make it credible.

Leave me another comment when you have made your adjustments.


D a n a said...

Much better.

Thank you for your attention to detail.


allie roberts said...

dear nextdoor neighbor excellent job! i liked how how you wrote about the story instead of retelling it! <3 XO!

allie roberts said...

its not inappropriate the other one was. you are just jealous yourd is not as beautiful as mine is!! <3

allie roberts said...

is she the hottie in our math class that i love.love.love?

allie roberts said...

basically she is a hottie with a body where is the softbal game?

allie roberts said...

haha nahh man no one is cooler that mee! and you and i together is like the defintion of cool. haha :)

allie roberts said...

celebrating a fiftieth birthdayyyyyy wooott! anyway im going to tacoah i think. and thats about it. what about youu?

allie roberts said...

way to dis jeremys page!!! haha your just jealous yours isnt as cool as his and that you cant express your feminine side like he can. hahaha...

allie roberts said...

well iu think he is most gracious about it. any wayy are you getting back with the X?