Purp Mindset

Colts Fan. 5-0.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


The Crusades lasted between the 11th and 13th century. There were nine major crusades, however there have been many other religious wars. The crusades were originally to take the city of Jerusalem from muslim rule. However it expanded to spreading christianity elsewhere while continuing to attack the islam religion. During the crusades people turtured, pillaged, and massacred in the name of Christianity. Pope Urban II initiated the crusades in 1095, and the first crusade began in 1096.

Thomas Becket was the Archbishop of Canterbury. He was appointed this title after becoming good friends with King Henry. He and King Henry grew apart on political issues, and Thomas fled to France. Four knights searched for Thomas, and killed him on a cathedral altar. King Henry had remorse for what the knights did.

The Magna Carta, issued in 1215, was the forerunner of all constitutional governing, including our constitution. It was issued to protect the citizens under the kings rule. It was written because of disagreements between the Church and government. The Magna Carta included the right against unlawful imprisonment, Habeaus Corpus.

The Black Death killed approximately 75 million people worlwide, which 20 million where from Europe alone. It also led to further Jew and Muslim persecution. These death had a great affect on the Roman Catholic church. The name comes from the blackening effect of peoples skin in its late stages. Scientist believe that the disease spread via black rats and similar animals.

The first character was the knight. He was a knight since birth, and a very good knight : 72:
He was truly a perfect noble knight.

The second character, the squire was the son of the knight. He was about 20 years old and a songwriter with good hair.
A lover and a lively bachelor, with locks well curled, as if they'd laid in press

The third was a yeoman, he was an archer and skilled woodsman.
Of Woodcraft he knew all the useful ways.

The fourth was a nun with a big heart and careful eating habits.
At table her manners were well taught withall, And never let morsels from her lips fall,

The Fifth was a Monk who liked to ride and hunt, he also liked to eat.
A Monk there was, one of the finest sort, An outrider, hunting was his sport.

There was a friar whom took gifts from other people
Men should give silver to the poor friars.
His tippet was always stuffed with pocket-knives
And pins, to give to young and pleasing wives.

There was a merchant. Who was neat and managed things well.
This worthy man kept all his wits well set;
There was no person that knew he was in debt

The clerk was intelligent, but not wealthy..
Yet, and for all he was philosopher in base,
He had but little gold within his suitcase;

The Seargeant of Law was a wealthy judge.
Because of his knowledge and high reputation,
He took large fees, had robes more than one.

The Franklin was old with a lot of food
His house was never short of food and pies
Of fish and flesh, and these in large supplies

The Sailor wore a gown but was a good boatsman
But as for craft, to calculate his tides,
His currents and the dangerous watersides,
His harbours, and his moon, his pilotage,
There was none such from Hull to far Carthage

The physician was very good with medicine who loved gold.
Since gold in physic is a cordial,
Therefore he loved his gold exceeding all.

The Wife of Bath was good at making clothes, was also religious
Which, on a Sunday, she wore on her head.
Her stockings were of the finest scarlet red

The knights story takes place in the kingdom of Tartary. The king , Cambinskan, had two sons and one daughter, whom were named Algarsyf, Cambalo, and Canace respectively. In his kingdom there was an abundance of food, and minstrels plyed instruments. One day while listening to the minstrels play the knight came. He brought a glass mirror, a golden ring, and a unsheathed sword.
The knight, whom was very noble also had a steed that was pleasing to the eye. The ring he wore was a magical one which allows you to understand and speak to birds, it also gave you vast knowledge of healing herbs. His sword was very sharp and could easily damage any armor. It had the magical power of healing by striking the victim with the flat of the blade. This was the only way to heal a wound from the sword. Withought the flat of the blade, the would would never close.

I believe this reflects the middle ages very well. There is Chivalry in the story, The knight was very loyal to the king. “This stranger knight, who came thus suddenly, Armed at all points, except his head, richly, Saluted king and queen and those lords all, In order of rank, as they sat there in hall,”. In the kingdom there were many ornaments and the knight brought gifts to the king, which was almost expected during the Middle Ages. He also gave the ring to canace, the daughter of the king. “The gifts were brought and royally were shown. That is to say, The sword and glass of power, And borne anon into heigh tower By certain officers detailed thereto; The ring to Canace was born also” The knight also was admired by the lower level of the feudal system among the kingdom. He was almost a hero among them, and the idolized his alien possessions. This sense of idolization of heroes and warriors is also very traditional of the Medieval Ages. This is demonstrated when everyone came to admire the knights steed. “ Great was the press of people to and fro Swarming to see this horse that stood there so; For it so high was, and so broad and long So well proportioned as to be most strong


Anonymous said...

dont be haten purp force you know you like it. Let me know if you got to go through the drivers corce again when they give it back.

allie roberts said...

hahaha i love the one about " i hope your attitude is as positive as your test results" hahahahahahahahaha <33

allie roberts said...

everyone is boring compared to me! durrr but mine are as well!

allie roberts said...

yeah but its def. not working so thats pretty cool. ugh i HATE not talkingggg

D a n a said...

Nice work here. Keep it up.

You can go now, if you want.
