Purp Mindset

Colts Fan. 5-0.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Mentor Log

October 18th, 2007 5:30 - 8:00

On the 18th i visited Mr. Brad Kuss at his home. I passed his neighborhood because the turn was unexpected. When i arrived at Mr. Kuss's home he was very enthusiastic about talking about football. This was a relief because i didnt want to work with anyone whom did not actually want to participate. What i mean by this is i'd rather have a person who was excited about helping rather than help because you asked for it. After getting him to sign my mentor log i asked him a few basic questions about football. From there he simply began to lecture (sort of) about football, so i just took a sedentary role and absorbed what i heard.

Some of the things he mentioned was that football is a very aggressive sport and that mindset is very important. This reinforced what i already knew, however i found out that Mr. Kuss preferred man to man coverage over zone coverage. Even though i prefer zone, i understand why he enjoys man to man. I think it is because i think from a coaching point of view, involving every player. I think Mr. Kuss thinks of footballs from a players point of view and he enjoys the thrill of man to man. Man to man is much more exciting because you are following a person around the field. Anyone who has every played parking lot football will vouch that it is much more fun that sitting in an area waiting for a player. However, on a effiency level i believe zone to be more effective, but this is where we split.

I ask a few questions but Mr. Kuss basically runs the show, which is fine because he tells me exactly what it is i need to know. The main thing i took from this meeting was that Mindset was the key to football. Football is a much dirtier game than meets the eye, and i know this from personal experience. Mr. Kuss added that getting inside the players head gives you a psychological advantage.

Mr. Kuss was a quarterback, cornerback, receiver, punt returner, and all around player during his high school career, and he had good statistics in many categories. He has also been a referee. It got dark so i decided to call it a day.

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